Netzero Energy: How California Will Change The Electric Fireplace Market • Modern Flames

Netzero Energy: How California Will Change The Electric Fireplace Market

If you’ve been in the market for a new fireplace, or are looking to upgrade your older model,  you’ve probably heard the phrase “NetZero Energy.”

But what is NetZero Energy? Consumers in California have no doubt heard the phrase, but may not fully understand what it entails, and how many aspects of their home or business it may affect.

The definition of NetZero Energy, supplied by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, is a “building with zero net energy consumption, meaning the total amount of energy used by the building on an annual basis is roughly equal to the amount of renewable energy created.” The idea behind NetZero Energy is to contribute less to the overall greenhouses gases by reducing carbon emissions and dependency on fossil fuels.

In California, the Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) announced its goal to have all California construction to be NetZero by 2020 for residential, and 2030 for commercial. Other states are following suit for similar goals, including Arizona, Florida, and Colorado to name but a few,  although none have quite the impact of California’s – yet.

What does this all mean for the fireplace consumer?

There’s little doubt that California’s changing laws will not only spread from the state, but will greatly impact how others build, change, and buy, and fireplaces are no exception. These new building goals have helped a newer generation of fireplaces leap to the forefront of the market: electric fireplaces.

The need (or desire!) to go green doesn’t stop the demand for a good looking fireplace, however. While the push from California lawmakers is helping propel the greener market overall, Modern Flames has a jumpstart for the demand of fireplaces that will fulfill this new criteria. The added bonus of this for the consumer is a seller who is familiar with the codes, well-versed in design, and offers gorgeous, customizable fireplaces that meet or exceeds these new laws.


Modern Flames is at the forefront of electric fireplace innovation, transforming residential and commercial spaces with cutting-edge technology. The company has fundamentally reshaped the fireplace landscape since introducing the linear electric fireplace to North America in 2008. Our signature designs have become the gold standard among architects, designers, and homeowners, offering an unparalleled combination of ultra-realistic flame technology, effortless installation, and exceptional value. Modern Flames delivers a transformative solution that transcends traditional fireplace expectations by seamlessly blending sophisticated engineering with contemporary style.